Top 5 World-Renowned Mini Pig Providers

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Top 5 World-Renowned Mini Pig Providers

Understanding Miniature Pigs: Their Role and Value in Biomedical Research

Miniature pigs are increasingly recognized as essential animal models in pharmaceutical development due to their remarkable physiological resemblances to humans, particularly in the cardiovascular, digestive, and urinary systems. Their ready availability and lower incidence of negative reactions to experimental compounds make them more suitable than other larger animal models. Consequently, regulatory authorities now endorse the mini pig as an appropriate alternative to rodent models for a range of efficacy and safety evaluation studies.

Discover the Global Leaders in Mini Pig Provision

Sinclair Bio Resources

Renowned for its contribution to the biomedical industry, Sinclair Bio Resources stands out as a provider of premium miniature swine. Their offerings extend beyond the provision of animal models to encompass comprehensive support services tailored to the intricate needs of biomedical research. With a focus on quality and reliability, Sinclair Bio Resources ensures that its animal models are well-suited for a variety of scientific studies, promoting advancements in medical research and development.

Ellegaard Göttingen Minipigs

Founded in 1993, Ellegaard Göttingen Minipigs A/S supplies scientists with genetically altered Göttingen Minipigs, which carry a mini repertoire of human antibody genes, showing tolerance to a broad range of human treatments. These pigs are used for developing disease models, including those for obesity, atherosclerosis, and NASH, as well as for customized disease models through exploratory pharmacology studies.

Carfil Quality

For over 40 years, Carfil Quality has been providing specialized diets for laboratory animals, ensuring optimal quality. Their Aachen Mini-Pigs are bred in a controlled barrier environment with health certification. These high-quality animals are bred specifically for a variety of life science studies, including orthopedic surgery, xenotransplantation, dermatological studies, and more. They also offer nutritional and care advice for their Aachen Mini-Pigs.

JSR Genetics

JSR Genetics is a leader in animal genetics and breeding. They develop high-quality pig breeds for agriculture and research. Their focus includes enhancing traits like health, growth, and meat quality. They use advanced genetics to produce pigs for various needs, which can be similar to Göttingen minipigs in research uses.


Envigo specializes in breeding and caring for laboratory animals, including miniature pigs. These pigs, used in biomedical research, are akin to Göttingen minipigs. Envigo is committed to animal welfare and supports scientific research with quality animals and services.

Charles River Laboratories

A global provider for the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors, Charles River Laboratories offers research models like minipigs. These are crucial for drug development and biomedical studies, similar in use to Göttingen minipigs. They are known for their quality animal models and support in developing new therapies.

Lab Management Software for Mini Pig Providers: Scispot

Scispot has become the lab management software of preference for numerous modern biotech companies, including mini pig providers.

Scispot functions as a digital twin. It centralizes their company-wide data, streamlining research protocols and automates non-scientific tasks. It makes other lab software such as electronic lab notebooks (ELN) and lab information management systems (LIMS) redundant.

Mini pig providers use Scispot's operating platform to manage their research projects, inventory, samples, and partners all in one spot. Request a demo to learn how you can accelerate your research using Scispot.

Charles River Laboratories

Located worldwide, Charles River utilizes several mini pig strains (most commonly Göttingen Minipigs®) to conduct various studies like Teratology, Toxicokinetic (ADME), Wound healing, and Juvenile studies in a GLP-compliant environment. Beyond research, they extend their expertise through consultation services, guiding clients from the inception to the culmination of their research endeavors.

Marshall BioResources

Located worldwide, Marshall BioResources is the sole provider of Göttingen Minipigs® in North America, a breed that has made significant contributions to disease research and therapeutic developments. They prioritize the well-being of these animals during transit by utilizing custom vehicles equipped with individual compartments, HVAC systems, and HEPA filters.

Premier BioSource

Located in Indiana, US, Premier BioSource specializes in the production of domestic pigs and yucatan minipigs for biomedical research. Renowned for their gentle nature, trainability, and resilience, Yucatan mini pigs are considered exemplary chronic models for biomedical research.


Located in Barcelona, Spain, Specipig offers tailored services with their proprietary pig models. Specipig's breeds their own animals and offers research services in their facilities that meet GLP standards and international regulatory guidelines.

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