Top 5 organizations in North America that are efficiently using Mass Spectrometry to bring new innovation

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Top 5 organizations in North America that are efficiently using Mass Spectrometry to bring new innovation

Mass spectrometry (MS) provides precise and accurate analysis of molecules within a sample. It’s essential in fields like pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, environmental science, and forensics. MS is used to determine the structure and quantity of molecules and to identify impurities and contaminants.

Here are our top 5 picks for mass spectrometry CROs in North America that are effectively using mass spectrometry to drive innovation:

MS Bioworks

Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
MS Bioworks is a specialized mass spectrometry CRO providing high-quality proteomics services using mass spectrometry. They focus on quantitative proteomics, phosphoproteomics, and custom workflows, recognized for their rigorous quality control and comprehensive data analysis.


Location: Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Allumiqs (formerly Phenoswitch Bioscience) is a leading mass spectrometry CRO specializing in proteomics and metabolomics. They offer services like targeted proteomics, metabolomics, and custom assay development, focusing on personalized service and innovative applications.

PPD Laboratories

Location: Wilmington, North Carolina, USA
PPD Laboratories, part of Thermo Fisher Scientific, is a trusted CRO with a strong focus on mass spectrometry services. They provide comprehensive bioanalytical support for both small and large molecules, crucial for pharmaceutical and biotech research. Their mass spectrometry offerings include small molecule analysis, biomarker quantification, and large molecule bioanalysis. PPD Laboratories is recognized for delivering reliable, high-quality data, making them a key partner in drug development and other critical research areas.

Creative Proteomics

Location: Shirley, New York, USA
Creative Proteomics provides a wide range of mass spectrometry services, including proteomics, metabolomics, and lipidomics. They serve various industries, including pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, making them a prominent mass spectrometry company in the field.


Location: Princeton, New Jersey, USA
Novatia is a specialized mass spectrometry company offering advanced services for small molecules, peptides, and oligonucleotides. They are recognized for their expertise in complex analytical challenges, particularly in drug development and chemical analysis, solidifying their place among leading mass spec companies.

Lab Management Software for Mass Spec CROs

Scispot is the go-to lab management tool for many mass spectrometry CROs and biotech companies. It helps streamline operations, enhance collaboration, and speed up research. Scispot standardizes your data by linking different entities like samples, experiments, plate maps, and analytical results. For example, you can connect a sample directly to an experiment (one-to-one), or link a protocol to multiple samples (one-to-many). This structure makes it easy to trace your data across the entire workflow, ensuring everything is organized and accessible. With Scispot, you can create templates for your protocols, plate maps, and calculations. This allows you to reuse these setups across different projects, ensuring consistent data handling and reducing repetitive work.

Scispot integrates with popular mass spectrometry instruments like Thermo Fisher’s Orbitrap, Agilent’s Q-TOF, Waters’ SYNAPT G2-Si, and Sciex’s TripleTOF. This integration automates data capture directly from your instruments, minimizing manual input errors. For data analysis, Scispot works seamlessly with tools like Proteome Discoverer, MassLynx, Xcalibur, and Skyline. This enables efficient analysis of your quantitative proteomics, metabolomics, and biomarker discovery data, streamlining the entire process from raw data to insights.

In 2024, more labs are choosing Scispot to manage their research, inventory, and collaborations in one platform. With customizable workflows and real-time analytics, Scispot helps you stay ahead in biotech research. Request a demo to see how Scispot can transform your lab.

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