Top 10 Biotech Lab Spaces in the Bay Area

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Top 10 Biotech Lab Spaces in the Bay Area

Biotech Lab Spaces: The Final Frontier

Lab spaces play a pivotal role in the journey of biotech companies, acting as launchpads for their ambitious endeavors. Just as starships venture into uncharted territories, bioentrepreneurs must explore new places for their lab work, charting unknown territories of scientific discovery. The significance of lab spaces cannot be overstated, as they provide the essential infrastructure for transforming ideas into reality. However, establishing a personal lab can be financially daunting for emerging entrepreneurs, making access to shared lab spaces a valuable lifeline. These lab spaces offer a range of advantages tailored to the needs of biotech innovators, all with the common objective of providing a conducive environment where entrepreneurs can tirelessly pursue their visions and turn them into impactful outcomes.

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Lab Space Rentals That You Should Consider

Here are 10 of the best biotech lab spaces in the bay area that entrepreneurs can utilize:

QB3 Berkeley

Located in Berkeley, The California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3) was established to promote research and innovation in California while fueling the bioeconomy. QB3 is a joint effort between the state of California, venture capital, private firms and the University of California campuses at Berkeley, Santa Cruz, and San Francisco.

Facilities Include:

  • Cal-Cryo @QB3-Berkeley
  • QB3 Cell & Tissue Analysis Facility / High-Throughput Screening Facility
  • Central California 900 MHz NMR Facility
  • General Lab Equipment
  • Biomolecular Nanotechnology Center
  • QB3/Chemistry Mass Spectrometry Facility


Located in South San Francisco, Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS is a network of ecosystems that empowers innovators in the medical device, pharmaceutical, and health tech sectors to accelerate the creation of life-saving solutions. JLABS allows entrepreneurs to work while holding on to their intellectual property. 

Facilities Include:

  • Biology and Chemistry Labs
  • Cell Culture Rooms
  • Engineering Labs
  • General Lab Equipment
  • Mobile Benching 

Bonneville Labs

Located in Berkeley an ideal East Bay territory, Bonneville Labs is a flexible coworking lab space optimized for a community of Bio-Doers, emerging biotechnology companies, community partners, and life science market leaders.

Facilities Include:

  • Shared Innovation Lab
  • Private/Corporate Lab
  • Shared/Private Offices
  • General Lab Equipment
  • Autoclave & Lab Ops
  • Equipment Maintenance
  • BioHazard Disposal

Berkeley BioLabs 

Located in Berkeley, Berkeley BioLabs helps biotech entrepreneurs innovate and research their ideas by providing lab facilities, access to a flourishing biotech community, and other services that help accelerate their growth.

Facilities Include:

  • Molecular Biology Lab 
  • General Lab Equipment
  • Freezers

Molecular Medicine Research Institute (MMRI)

Located in Sunnyvale, MMRI is a nonprofit research institute that focuses on identifying and understanding therapeutic intervention targets for cancer and auto-immune diseases.

Facilities Include:

  • Cellular and Molecular Biology Lab
  • General Lab Equipment
  • Analytical Chemistry Lab
  • Medical Chemistry Lab

Oakland Genomics Center (OGC)

The Oakland Genomics Center (OGC) is a cutting-edge research facility located in Oakland, California. It specializes in genomic sequencing and analysis, aiming to advance understanding of genetic variation and its implications for human health. The OGC collaborates with leading scientists, medical institutions, and biotech companies to drive innovation in personalized medicine and genomic research. Facilities include:

  • Multiple Floors of Fully Equipped Space
  • Conference Rooms
  • Private Offices
  • General Lab Equipment
  • Freezer/Refrigerator
  • Centrifuges

StartX Med Labs Cooperative

Located in Palo Alto, StartX Med Labs Cooperative, Inc. strives to provide entrepreneurs with the right environment so they can work on their idea, attract capital and save time and money.

Facilities Include:

  • Tissue Culture Room
  • General Lab Equipment
  • Chemical Fume Hoods
  • Freezer/Refrigerators
  • Prototyping/3D Printing

Valley Research Park

Located in Mountain View, Valley Research Park offers over 100,000 square feet of office and laboratory space that serves technology and biotech startups. 

Facilities Include:

  • Refrigeration for inbound shipments
  • Diesel Generators
  • Shared -80 Freezers
  • General Lab Equipment
  • Autoclave
  • Biosafety Cabinets
  • Fume Hoods
  • Centrifuges
  • Vivarium Service Providers

Bayer CoLaborator

Located in San Francisco, Bayer CoLaborator provides biotech entrepreneurs with lab and office space, access to Bayer's expertise, and partnering options in the pharmaceutical and agricultural fields.

Facilities Include:

  • Tissue Culture Rooms
  • Biosafety Hoods
  • Refrigerators and Freezers
  • Waste Handling
  • General Lab Equipment
  • Modern Laboratory Benches
  • Furnished Office Space 


Located in San Jose, BioCube is an incubator that offers move-in-ready labs, user-friendly workspaces, huddle rooms, and other useful amenities for scientists. 

Facilities Include:

  • High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
  • Spectrometry
  • Microscopy
  • Freezers 
  • General Lab Equipment
  • Legal Assistance

Explore Scispot in lab space rentals throughout the Bay Area

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