Elevate Your Data Workflow: CLARIOstar and Scispot Integration

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Elevate Your Data Workflow: CLARIOstar and Scispot Integration

In biotechnology, precise and efficient data acquisition is vital. Our customers consistently choose the CLARIOstar microplate reader for its reliable data output across various applications. A few use cases that we have seen include:

  • Drug Discovery: Crucial for running binding kinetics in small molecule drug discovery.
  • Bio Processing: Used for BCA assays to check engineered protein concentration.
  • Diagnostics: Vital for fluorescence and luminescence assays to detect biomarkers.
  • Strain Development: Key in checking cell viability while developing microbial strains.

Its high sensitivity and flexibility enable these diverse applications, providing accurate and reproducible results. This blog explores the current challenges faced by wet lab scientists using CLARIOstar as their final read-out instrument, and how Scispot mitigate that by offering integration.

About CLARIOstar

CLARIOstar is a popularly used microplate reader essential for quantifying biological and chemical assays in microplates. It is widely used in biological, cellular, biochemical, pharmaceutical research, drug discovery, environmental research, and the food and cosmetics industries. It detects light signals at different wavelengths from samples in a plate, resulting from biological, chemical, biochemical, or physical reactions. Popular detection modes include absorbance, fluorescence intensity, and luminescence, applicable across various fields of biotechnology.

Challenges faced by wet lab scientists

Despite its capabilities, the data generated by CLARIOstar instrument can present several challenges, particularly in standardization and normalization. Let us share what we heard from clients regarding the pain points:

  • Data Overload: The sheer volume of raw data can be overwhelming for wet lab teams. Managing and making sense of this data manually is time-consuming and prone to errors, especially when executing HTS with multiple plates.
  • Data Standardization: Different experiments and assays may have different plate maps and can produce data in various formats (ASCII, CSV, Excel etc). Manually creating plate maps for individual assays inside CLARIOstar is time consuming and error-prone. Also, standardizing this data for analysis and reporting can be complex and labor-intensive.
  • Data Visualization: Transforming raw data into meaningful visualizations while maintaining sample lineage requires specialized skills and software. This process can delay decision-making and hinder the efficiency of research workflows.

How Scispot Addresses These Challenges?

Seamless Integration with CLARIOstar

Scispot integrates seamlessly with CLARIOstar instruments, enhancing overall functionality and ease of use:

  • Data Import and Export: Scispot allows for the import of plate maps from the platform, which can then be used as input into CLARIOstar. This ensures compatibility and ease of data transfer between the two platforms, and makes it easier to maintain the chain of custody.
  • Standardized Layouts: By matching the layout in Scispot to that in CLARIOstar, users can ensure accurate and consistent data analysis every time, while maintaining sample lineage.
  • Automated Transformation: Scispot provides a destination template where your transformed data can land inside the platform. Based on the data schema of the destination template, it automatically transforms your raw data file into a simplified version that can be used by the wet lab team easily.
  • AI-Powered Visualization: Once the transformed data lands inside the Scispot platform, wet lab scientists can type out their desired visualizations, and Scispot AI (Scibot) will generate them almost instantly. This eliminates the need to rely on computational experts, empowering scientists to interpret their data independently and efficiently. Whether it is a calibration curve for a BCA assay or linear regression for binding kinetics, Scispot AI (Scibot) will cover you.
  • Activity Logs: As Scispot is SOC2, HIPAA, and CFR PART 11 compliant, it captures details regarding instrument sync, transformations applied, and any changes made by users. You can easily track the modifications implied by your team.


The integration of CLARIOstar plate readers with Scispot revolutionizes how biotech labs handle data. By automating data analysis and visualization, Scispot addresses the key challenges faced by wet lab teams, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. With Scispot, scientists can focus more on their research and less on data management, driving innovation and discovery in the biotech industry.

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