5 European Biotech Companies to Watch Out for in 2021

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5 European Biotech Companies to Watch Out for in 2021

The European Biotech market has been steadily flourishing in the past decade, but it has taken off to dizzying new heights in the last two years. An abundance of exceptional talent, research, and industry expertise to support innovation coupled with an influx of investors has made this market wildly lucrative the world over.

Here are a few companies that are leading the charge in 2021:


argenx is an immunology company that develops drugs inspired by the llama immune system. It is motivated towards improving the lives of people who suffer from autoimmune diseases and cancer. argenx's experimental drug efgartigimod is being reviewed for approval by the FDA after showing promising results in patients with myasthenia gravis. argenx is also developing drugs to treat immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), pemphigus vulgaris (PV), and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP).


BioNTech turned into a household name all over the world in 2020 when it became the first company to commercialize the mRNA Covid vaccine along with Pfizer. Before the pandemic, BioNTech was known for its work in oncology utilizing technologies such as CAR T-cell immunotherapies, antibody drugs, and mRNA therapeutics. BioNTech is destined for exponential growth and is doing its best to manage the large-scale production of the vaccine.

CRISPR Therapeutics

CRISPR Therapeutics AG is a gene-editing biotech company that uses the CRISPR/Cas9 technology.  This technology allows you to make precise changes in the genomic DNA and is aimed towards treating sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia. This is some of the most advanced technology used in the world today and as of early 2021, this company had a market capitalization of around $13 billion.


Genmab is a biotech company that develops antibody therapies utilizing immune T-cells that trigger a response against the tumor cells. One of its most popular approved drugs is Darzalex, which is used to treat patients with multiple myeloma. This company utilizes novel next-generation antibody platforms for the development of bispecific antibodies; creation of effector-function enhanced antibodies, among other potentially life-changing treatments.

Valo Therapeutics

Valo Therapeutics develops novel immunotherapy treatments for cancer patients. Valo Therapeutics's technology uses an oncolytic virus that is non-covalently combined with tumor-specific peptides that creates a unique tumor vaccination platform. By using their unique process, this company has transitioned into the development of Covid-19 vaccines and hopes to conduct it's first clinical trials in 2021.

Lab Management Software for Modern Biotech Companies: Scispot.io

Scispot has become the primary lab management software of choice for numerous modern biotech companies.

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